Current sports results of all leagues and tournaments in Football Results.
The results overview is sorted by league and country, world cup, european cups and other tournaments
The Standings for running games of Football matches you will find in the live Scores or in Football live Ticker.
Category Football Results includes a search function for special games: Football Games,
You may also search for older results: Football 72h and Football 48h and Football 3 Days and Football 4 Days
Result overview date : 02/2025
Sport | Country | Country search | League | newest Result |
Football | Results Sweden | Sweden | Superserien Playoff | 06/07/24 ![]() |
Football | Sweden | --- | Superserien | --- |
Football | Results Finland | Finland | Vaahteraliiga | --- |
Football | Finland | --- | Vaahteraliiga Playoff | 08/09/24 ![]() |
Football | Results United States | United States | Arena Football AFL | --- |
Football | United States | --- | NFL Preseason | 11/08/24 ![]() |
Football | United States | --- | NCAA Football All Stars | --- |
Football | United States | --- | NFL Pro Bowl | 02/02/25 ![]() |
Football | United States | --- | NFL Playoffs | 10/02/25 ![]() |
Football | United States | --- | UFL | --- |
Football | United States | --- | NCAA Football | 21/01/25 ![]() |
Football | United States | --- | NFL | 08/09/24 ![]() |
Football | Results Australia | Australia | NAB Cup | --- |
Football | Australia | --- | AFL | --- |
Football | Australia | --- | AFL Play Offs | 28/09/24 ![]() |
Football | Results Canada | Canada | CFL Preseason | 01/06/24 ![]() |
Football | Canada | --- | CFL | 18/11/24 ![]() |