Current sports results of all leagues and tournaments in Basketball Results.
The results overview is sorted by league and country, world cup, european cups and other tournaments
The Standings for running games of Basketball matches you will find in the live Scores or in Basketball live Ticker.
Category Basketball Results includes a search function for special games: Basketball Games,
Other leagues and tournaments in alphabetic order : Basketball Results Overview
Result overview date : 02/2025 - Page 2
Sport | Country | Country search | League | newest Result |
Basketball | Results Italy | Italy | Seria A2 Playouts | 15/05/24 ![]() |
Basketball | Italy | --- | Basketball Serie A | --- |
Basketball | Results Spain | Spain | Liga Femenina Playoffs | 12/05/24 ![]() |
Basketball | Spain | --- | Adecco Oro Playoffs | 09/06/24 ![]() |
Basketball | Spain | --- | ACB Play Offs | 12/06/24 ![]() |
Basketball | Spain | --- | ACB | --- |
Basketball | Spain | --- | Adecco Oro | --- |
Basketball | Spain | --- | Copa del Ray | 18/02/24 ![]() |
Basketball | Spain | --- | Liga Femenina | --- |
Basketball | Results France | France | Pro A Play Offs | 12/06/24 ![]() |
Basketball | France | --- | LFB Challenge Round | 23/04/24 ![]() |
Basketball | France | --- | LFB Playoff | 17/05/24 ![]() |
Basketball | France | --- | Pro B Play Offs | 06/06/24 ![]() |
Basketball | France | --- | National Basketball Cup | 18/02/24 ![]() |
Basketball | France | --- | Coupe de France | 17/03/24 ![]() |
Basketball | France | --- | Pro A | --- |
Basketball | France | --- | Super Cup | --- |
Basketball | France | --- | Pro B | 28/04/24 ![]() |
Basketball | France | --- | LFB | --- |
Basketball | Results Germany | Germany | BBL Pokal | 18/02/24 ![]() |
Basketball | Germany | --- | DBBL Women | 01/12/24 ![]() |
Basketball | Germany | --- | DBBL Women Playoffs | 01/05/24 ![]() |
Basketball | Germany | --- | Basketball Bundesliga | --- |
Basketball | Germany | --- | Bundesliga Playoff | 14/06/24 ![]() |
Basketball | Germany | --- | Pro A | --- |
Basketball | Germany | --- | Pro A Playoff | 02/06/24 ![]() |
Basketball | Results England | England | BBL Play Off | 19/05/24 ![]() |
Basketball | England | --- | BBL Trophy | 13/10/24 ![]() |
Basketball | England | --- | BBL | 28/11/24 ![]() |
Basketball | England | --- | BBL Cup | 07/02/25 ![]() |
Basketball | Results Netherlands | Netherlands | Dutch League Playoffs | 04/06/24 ![]() |
Basketball | Netherlands | --- | Dutch League | --- |
Basketball | Results Portugal | Portugal | LPB | --- |
Basketball | Portugal | --- | Proliga Playoffs | 10/05/24 ![]() |
Basketball | Portugal | --- | Proliga Regular Season | --- |